You can find the Colors option in the theme Customizer on Appearance → Customize → General → Global Colors.
Global Color gives you unified general color customization, it helps you customize once and apply to your entire website

Primary Color: Customize to change the main color of the website content.
Secondary Color: Customize to change the secondary color of the website content.
Success Color: Customize successful color changes such as order completion messages, added to cart etc…
Info Color: Customize to change the color of information such as woocommerce newsletters, highlight the content of the website.
Warning Color: Customize to change the warning color, text color, background color of the warnings, for example, the color of the warning not to complete the order, the missing information fields etc…
Link Color: Customize to change the color of all website link colors.
Link Color Hover: Customize the color change when you hover over the link.
Base Color: Customize to change the content text and paragraph color of the web page.
Title Color: Customize to change the color of the website title such as article title color, page title, archive page title etc…
Meta Color: Customize to change the color of post meta, comment meta, product meta etc…
Heading Color: Customize to change the color of the main header on the website from H1 to H6.